* Amounts are estimates only. Final payment amounts may vary.
TURN-KEY DISTILLERY AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. OVER $1 MILLION DOLLARS OF EQUIPMENT, ASSETS & LEASEHOLDS ALREADY IN PLACE!! This is a truly remarkable opportunity to acquire a ready to operate business at a fraction of the set-up cost. An even bigger bonus is the fact that the tasting room and retail area are also ready to go, the high-visibility location will allow for great exposure to 100 Avenue Grande Prairie which offers huge traffic counts. Also keep in mind that an additional 2041sq.ft. are available directly adjacent and could offer a great opportunity to expand the tasting room or create a restaurant/lounge to compliment the retail side of this business. The past operator of this business was able to conduct a very profitable business and the liquor/alcohol industry is a sector that can offer many revenue streams and the ability for growth. Building owner is open to many different arrangements as far as vendor financing, amortizing equipment costs into a lease payment, assisting with any needed leasehold improvements, business partnerships to fit the next operators needs, bring us an idea and let’s see what we can do. The local economy is trending in a positive direction and the timing on a new business venture could lead to great future returns. Asset/Equipment list available in Supplements. Call a Commercial Realtor today for additional information and to arrange a tour of the property & operations.